G Mining Ventures
The GMIN story begins with Louis Gignac Sr., Chairman of the Board, 2016 Canadian Mining Hall of Fame inductee. Mr. Gignac Sr. is best known for building Quebec-based Cambior Inc. into an international gold producer. Throughout Cambior’s history, the company was renowned for the construction and development of its own projects rather than relying on the more conventional approach of outsourcing to EPCM contractors. After 20 years, Cambior was acquired in 2006 for US$1.3 billion, sparking the creation of the family owned engineering and consulting firm, G Mining Services (GMS).
Meridian Mining
Meridian Mining is focused on the development and exploration of the advanced stage Cabaçal VMS gold‐copper project, and on regional scale exploration of the Cabaçal VMS belt in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Cabaçal is a gold‐copper‐silver rich VMS deposit with the potential to be a standalone mine within the 50km VMS belt.
Omai Gold Mines
The Omai property is located within the prolific Guiana greenstone belt in Guyana, located on the north coast of South America. Omai hosts two significant orogenic gold deposits, the Wenot shear-hosted gold deposit, and the adjacent intrusion-hosted Gilt Creek Deposit, with total NI43-101 Mineral Resource Estimates (“MRE”) totalling 4.3 million ounces (Wenot at 834,000 oz averaging 1.48 g/t Au (Indicated) & 1,614,000 oz averaging 1.99 g/t Au (Inferred) PLUS Gilt Creek at 1,515,000 oz averaging 3.22 g/t Au (Indicated) and 665,000 oz averaging 3.35 g/t Au (Inferred)). This updated MRE was announced February 2024, followed by a baseline Preliminary Economic Assessment (“PEA”) announced April 4, 2024.


Queen’s University was declared the winner at the 2025 Goodman Gold Challenge on January 31, 2025!
They went home with the top prize, the cash equivalent of four ounces of gold!
McMaster University and Laurentian University placed second and third place, receiving silver coins and all competitors received Sudbury-made miners’s lunch boxes for their participation.