Expert Guidance at

Canada's Mining University

Meet the experts that form the Goodman School of Mines Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board to the Executive Director of the Goodman School of Mines provides high-level strategic advice relating to and ensuring the long-term goals and success of the School. The Advisory Board and its members provide insights, ideas and resources to assist the School in developing strategic initiatives to advance the well-being of society through excellence in teaching, research and service, to exploit the rapidly changing needs of the mining industry, and to foster closer ties between the School and its constituents.


The International Advisory Board consists of 8-15 members who are representative of external stakeholders. External members are appointed to a renewable 3-year term by the Executive Director of the Goodman School of Mines after consultation with the Executive Director of Advancement. A permanent seat is provided for an appointee by the Goodman family. The Executive Director of the Goodman School of Mines, the directors of schools and departments delivering programs related to mining education (engineering, earth sciences, management, and indigenous programs) and the Executive Director of University Advancement are ex-officio members of the advisory board.

Role of the Advisory Board:

  • Provide advice regarding new initiatives and long-range goals, to more effectively respond to the emerging needs of the mining industry.
  • Review currency of programming and research agendas, providing perspective on expectations of graduates and emerging mining challenges, and offer feedback on existing programs and research.
  • Advocate for the School (within industry, relevant government agencies, professional societies, etc.), actively opening new avenues of community engagement, collaboration, research and knowledge dissemination.
  • Promote the School publicly, through sharing an understanding of the School and its programs and celebrating its achievements.
  • Serve as a communications bridge and “think tank” to connect the School with other sectors of the community and animate a dynamic exchange of ideas so that the School may best contribute to the changing needs of the mining industry and those working in it.
  • Develop good relations between the School and the larger mining community and relate the priorities and concerns of that community to the School.
  • Aid the School in its efforts to secure the resources required to be globally competitive in attracting and retaining excellent faculty, staff and students.
  • Individually partner with the School as guest lecturers, seminar participants, career advisors, etc.
  • Use personal contacts to enable faculty and students to gain workplace exposure, with a particular focus on emerging trends and practices.
  • Annually review and provide advice to the Executive Director with regard to the expenditure of undesignated private sector gifts and endowment disbursements.

Advisory Board Members

Ned Goodman
Ned Goodman (1937 – 7 August 2022)

Founder, Dundee Corp

Ned Goodman has made transformative and enduring contributions to Canada’s minerals industry and capital markets as a company-builder, merchant banker and investment advisor during a dynamic career spanning almost half a century. He applied his geological training and business acumen to help build several successful mining companies — notably International Corona and Kinross Gold — and nurtured many other mineral-producing companies through astute and timely investments. In addition to being an outstanding member of the philanthropic community, Montreal-born Goodman is considered one of the leading architects of Canada’s investment management industry.
Along with his partners, he founded the first exploration flow-through partnership, CMP Group, which has raised almost $5 billion since the 1980s to help companies explore and develop mining and petroleum companies, leading to the generation of jobs and benefits for rural and northern economies in Canada. He was also the driving force of the Dundee group of financial companies, which grew under his leadership from a $300-millionbase to a $50-billion mutual fund entity.


Jonathan Goodman

Chairman and CEO,
Dundee Corporation


Dominic Channer

Vice President, Community Relations
Kinross Gold

Fred Delabbio

Strategy Focused Innovation (SFI)


David Harquail

President, CEO and Director
Franco-Nevada Corporation


Greg Huffman

Chief Executive Officer, President & Director
Nuclear Fuels


Paul Parisotto

President & CEO, Chair
Coniston Investment Group

Rachel Pineault

Rachel Pineault

EVP, Governance & Corporate Affairs
NexGold Mining Corp.

Ex-Officio Members


Nadia Mykytczuk

Executive Director, Goodman School of Mines
Laurentian University

Michel Delorme

Michel Delorme

Dean, Faculty of Management,
Laurentian University


Sandra Dorman

Full Professor, Faculty of Health
Director, Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health
Laurentian University


Tracy MacLeod

Chief Advancement Officer,
Laurentian University


Dominic Beaudry

Associate Vice-President, Academic and Indigenous Programs
Laurentian University


Eric R. Gauthier

Director, School of Biological, Chemical and Forensic Sciences
Laurentian University


Ramesh Subramanian

Director and Professor, Bharti School of Engineering
Laurentian University

Pedro Jugo

Pedro Jugo

Director, Harquail School of Earth Sciences
Laurentian University